Nicky harper


Dicky is the third child and older son of Anne Harper and Tom Harper. He’s the third quad born, after Dawn and Ricky but before Nicky. Unlike the rest of the quads, Dicky doesn’t usually have a strong opinion of his own because he considers himself cool and chill. Therefore he usually goes along with Dawn and Ricky’s schemes. Unfortunately, he seems to have trouble understanding things most of the times and that causes a lot of the quads’ plans to fail, leading to most of the quads’ shenanigans.

In «Quadcodile Dundee», Dicky becomes obsessed with Australia after learning so much about it from their new exchange student, Britt. So, Anne and Tom agree to send him to Australia for a student exchange program.

Personal Image

While the rest of the quad has shown interest in other things — sports, academics, cooking, etc. — Dicky doesn’t show any particular interest in anything else besides his charm, image and good looks. He considers himself the ladies man. Dicky’s brothers often try to become as cool as him but it never really works out as seen in the «Pilot,» «Remote Control Control.» In «Scaredy Dance,» Ricky even got Dicky to teach him how to dress like him so that he could get a date to the dance. Unfortunately, the girl ended up accepting to go dance with both Ricky and Dicky.

Dicky often takes advantage of his good looks to get what he wants — but it backfires on him too. In «Harpers for President,» he only started running for president because girls were all over him. This helped him tie with the rest of the quads at the top despite having no good ideas. In «Unhappy Campers,» he carried mud to the camp so that he could apply it on his face and look «rugged» and attractive to girls. Unfortunately, this caused Dawn’s teammates to pressure her into dating Dicky because he looked hot. He had a crush on Lilly but Lilly took advantage of Dicky’s obsession with good looks to trick him into flexing his muscles, giving the girls a chance to win against the boys in a tug of war contest.

When the rest of the quads are obsessed with things, Dicky just acts cool and never gets carried away. In «Remote Control Control,» Dawn took advantage of this to trick the boys into dropping the remote. But she was shocked when Dicky held onto the remote. The quads were shocked because it’s not like Dicky to care about the TV remote. In «To Be Invited or Not to Be,» Dicky surprisingly takes it very well when he doesn’t get invited to go back to Simone’s house. He even starts reading a book. In «Quadsled,» the rest of the quads try coming up with complex excuses for Mae to replace them in their competition. But Dicky just asks her directly without coming up with any excuse.


Dicky is kind-hearted and usually has good intentions. However, his inability to understand or take things seriously often serves to lead the quads into troubles — and unexpected adventures.

Sometimes the quads are struggling explaining plans to Dicky. In «She Blinded Him with Science (Bob),» Dawn struggled in getting Dicky to understand her plan of how they were going to mess with Ricky and convinced him superstitions are real. Dicky even went ahead and sat on the chair they had set up for Ricky. This eventually backfired on Dawn when Dicky became convinced that Dawn was the cause of the bad luck. When Syd in «New Kid on the Block» said that she was told to stay away from the quadruplets next door, the quads had to work hard to convince Dicky that they were the quads she was referring to and no other quads around.

In the episode “Ye Olde Hand Holde”, it is inferred Dicky has never learned long division.

The other quads tend to assign Dicky some delicate tasks despite his reputation. In «I Want Candace,» Dicky’s task was to make the final appointment for Dawn to meet Candace. Unfortunately, he made an appointment for his hair, causing the quads to miss Candace at the tour bus. In «A Brief Case of Popularity,» they tasked Dicky with hiding Ricky’s «uncool» briefcase and outfits. Instead of keeping them somewhere Ricky wouldn’t check, Dicky placed them in the fridge which made it easier for Ricky to find.

Dicky’s unconventional kind of thinking has its perks as it sometimes helps them get out of trouble, either intentionally or accidentally. In «Doggy Door Afternoon,» he helped them get out of a dog door when all four of them got stuck. In «The Harper Quad-Jobbers», he tries to get a person to call him and the other quads by saying a weird word.

Актеры и персонажи


  • Брайан Штепанек в роли Тома, отца четверки семьи Харпер. В этом сериале постоянно рассказывается, что он больше заботится о своем имуществе, чем о своих детях, но он любит свою семью и в душе ребенок.
  • Эллисон Манн в роли Энн, матери четверки детей из семьи Харпер, которая обычно увлекается новыми навязчивыми идеями Тома.
  • Эйдан Галлахер в роли Ники, младшего из четверняшек Арфистов. Он показан довольно комичным, причудливым и легко запутанным. Показано, что он талантливый повар.
  • Кейси Симпсон в роли Рики, второй по возрасту из четверных Харпер. Он самый умный в группе, его всегда можно увидеть с книгой или за домашним заданием. Он также аккуратный урод и немного хорош в двух ботинках, хотя иногда он пытается доказать Доун и его братьям, что он также может нарушать правила.
  • Мейс Коронел в роли Дикки, третьего по возрасту и легкомысленного четвероногого Харпера, который очень заботится о своей внешности. Он всегда выбирает легкий путь. Он отправляется в Австралию на « ».
  • Лиззи Грин в роли Дон, самой старой из четвероногих Арфистов. Хотя она всегда видела, как беспокоила своих братьев, она очень заботится о них. Между ней и Рики идет постоянная борьба за лидерство в четверных.
  • Габриэль Элиз в роли Джози (сезон 1), работницы спортивного магазина Тома и няни Ники, Рики, Дикки и Дон.
  • Кайла-Дрю Симмонс в роли Мэй (повторяющаяся, сезоны 1-2; основная, сезоны 3-4), подруга четверных и лучшая подруга Дон. Она часто называет себя «пятой четверкой».


  • Линкольн Мельчер в роли Мака (1–3 сезоны)
  • Джейсон Симс-Превитт — главный Тариан (сезоны 2–3)
  • Сиена Агудонг в роли Натли (2–4 сезоны)
  • Хайден Кроуфорд в роли Дули (3–4 сезоны)
  • Теодор Джон Барнс в роли Майлза (сезоны 3–4)
  • Изабелла Ревел в роли Эйвери (сезоны 3–4)
  • Ариана Молкара в роли Сэди (4 сезон)

Найдено 23 связанных вопросов с ответами

С кем встречается Эйден?

Айден Мекус и его девушка, Клэр РокСмит, встречаются уже довольно давно, и кажется, что пара добивается больших успехов в своих отношениях.

Сколько лет Ники Рики Дики и Доун?

11-летний Соперничество братьев и сестер Ники, Рики, Дикки и Дон Харпер усиливается тем фактом, что они четверные. Соперничество 11-летних Ники, Рики, Дики и Дон Харпер усиливается тем фактом, что они четверные.

Есть ли 5 ​​сезон «Ники, Рики, Дики и Дон»?

Да, Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn официально отменили. 5 сезона не будет. Когда изначально вышли Ники, Рики, Дики и Дон? Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn первоначально вышли в субботу, 13 сентября 2014 года.

Рики Дики, Ники и Доун четверные?

Ники, Рики, Дики и Дон следят за приключениями 12-летнего мальчика. Четверки арфистов, Ники (Эйдан Галлахер), Рики (Кейси Симпсон), Дикки (Коронел) и Дон (Лиззи Грин), у которых не так много общего, кроме дня рождения, но они знают, что могут делать все, если держатся вместе.

Что Эйден сделал не так?

14-летнему мальчику предъявлено обвинение в убийство второй степени в смерти 13-летней девочки. 14-летний Эйден Фуччи обвиняется в убийстве второй степени в связи со смертью Тристин Бейли, 13-летней одноклассницы, по данным шерифа округа Сент-Джонс.

Кто такая новая любовь Айдена Мекуса?

Кто новый поклонник Айдена? После влюбленности в другого актера и создателя по имени Симон Харрисон (@symonneharrisonofficial на TikTok), похоже, Айден ушел. Актер недавно загрузил на YouTube видео, в котором объявил, что влюблен в Клэр Роксмит.

Клэр и Эйден расстались?

В конце концов, пара решила остаться друзьями. Теперь, похоже, настала очередь Айдена и Клэр влюбиться друг в друга. В середине марта Клэр опубликовала в Instagram фото вместе с Айденом со следующей подписью: «Итак, все начинается». Также она прикрепила следующие хэштеги: #clayden и #crushing.

Что случилось с Дики Харпер?

Мейс Коронель, также известный как Дики в популярном комедийном сериале с живыми актерами, покинул шоу, что делает его будущее после 4-го сезона неопределенным. Представитель Nickelodeon сказал, что сеть и Coronel «разошлись» летом, отметив, что «это было обоюдное решение», и решение не было принято в пятом сезоне.

Какой был последний эпизод «Ники, Рики, Дики и Дон»?

Ластики с первоклассниками это финал сериала Ники, Рики, Дики и Доун. Это четырнадцатая и последняя серия в 4 сезоне и финал сериала. Впервые он вышел в эфир 4 августа 2018 года и собрал 0.84 миллиона зрителей.

Кто самый старший из квадроциклов Арфистов?

Рассвет единственная дочь Тома Харпера и Энн Харпер. Она самая старшая из четверых арфистов — на четыре секунды. Большую часть времени она проводит со своими братьями Рики, Дики и Ники.

Почему Фуччи ударил Бейли ножом?

Она сказала детективам, что меньше чем за месяц до этого Бейли был убит, Fucci имел сказал ей, что он был собирается кого-то убить, что он был собираетесь найти идущего ночью человека, затащить его в лес и удар ножом их. Она сказала Fucci знал что-то был с ним было что-то не так и хотел обратиться за помощью.

Кто такая симпатичная Саймонн Харрисон?

Айден Макус, 15, тоже входит в состав Отряда. Симон и Айден начали встречаться в 2020 году. До этого Саймонн загружала различные видео, в которых называла его своей любовью. Айден тоже актер.

Айден Мекус Подруга

Он романтически связан с Симон Харрисон в 2020 году.

Почему у Пайпер Рокелл нет отца?

Сначала она заявила, что это долгая история. Далее она рассказала, что, когда ее мать, Тиффани Рокелл, была беременна, ее отец не был уверен в том, что младенец в то время. Следовательно, он хотел избавиться от нее еще до того, как она родилась. Но ее мать не сделала аборт, а вместо этого родила сама.

Айден мекус холост?

Отца Айдена Мекуса зовут Ларри Мекус, он бизнесмен по профессии, а его мать зовут Мария Мекус, она предприниматель. Айден Мекус семейное положение не женат. Он состоит в отношениях с Симон Харрисон, известной актрисой, моделью, танцовщицей и ютубером по профессии.

Последнее обновление: 15 дней назад — Авторов: 5 — Авторов: 15 — Ссылки: 19 интервью и постов; 9 Видео.


Nicky is the youngest child and third son of Anne Harper and Tom Harper. He’s the last one born among the quadruplets, after Dawn, Dicky and Ricky. He tends to keep to himself and loves cooking. However, he still spends most of his time with his brothers and sister, which gets him in trouble with the rest. Nicky is quite submissive and often gives in and goes along with what the rest of the quads decide.

Finding His Identity

Being the youngest, Nicky sets himself apart from his siblings by coming off as innocent and a victim of circumstances. But being one of the quads means trouble is a given. In the «Pilot» episode, he tried to warn his siblings against fighting with chemicals during a chemistry experiment but Dawn shoved the itchy chemicals up Nicky’s shirt. So, Nicky got in trouble with the rest of the quads for fighting in a chemistry lab.

In «Remote Control Control,» Nicky used his perceived innocence to get his brothers in trouble for fighting over the TV remote so that he can have the remote to himself. He played along with Ricky’s plan to put Dicky and Dawn in trouble but then he turned against Ricky by planting the remote in his pocket. Meanwhile, Nicky was preparing delicious breakfast for his parents. Unfortunately, their father had recorded the whole thing and proves that Nicky played the rest of the quads and acted all innocent.

As Nicky got older, he is shown to be a bit more mischievous. He was the fore front of plots for his own gain and even safety as seen in «Tween Wolf», «I Want My Mae B. Back», «Cementing the Quads’ Legacy», «It’s a Hard Knocks Life» , «Sympathy for the Squishy», and «Leader of the Stack». He seems to develop more as a character and is much more of a presence than before.

Nicky is still the most child-at-heart of the quads. In «The Quadfather,» it was revealed that Nicky still believed that the Quadfather was real even though his siblings had already figured out that it was their dad all along. In «The Quad-Test,» he was the first one to give in during the contest and take back his security item.

Being A Chef

Nicky’s favorite hobby is cooking. He is the best chef in the family and is proud of his work. He spends a lot of time in the kitchen cooking.

Since Nicky is not as aggressive as his siblings, he usually uses his cooking to bribe others. In «Remote Control Control,» he made anniversary breakfast for his parents to trick them into believing he was innocent. When Dawn’s fake diary entry in «Diary of an Angry Quad» said that 2 of the brothers would turn against the other, Nicky baked Dawn’s favorite muffins to bribe her into telling him if Ricky and Dicky were planning on destroying his most prized possession — a cooking pan.

In «No Ifs, Ands, or But-ers,» Nicky was the one that had to cook brunch for all the kids invited by the quads to «the garage.» He felt outperformed when Madison invited the kids for an «all day breakfast.»

In the special, «Go Hollywood,» Nicky’s favorite reality show was a cooking show. In «The Tell-Tale Art,» Nicky’s art project involved cooking but his «art» kept being eaten — first by his family members and then by his art teacher as well.

Nicky takes his cooking so seriously that he was willing to ruin the quads attempt to save the Get Sporty café in «Quad With a Blog.» The quads were discussing on the best new food to offer to attract customers in the parents’ café. They couldn’t agree on one idea and therefore settled with a combination of all of their food ideas. They invited the «Gourmet Guy» to review the food — but he gave them a bad review. They started questioning whether the guy they served the food to was really the Gourmet Guy since he seemed to like it. Soon, they realized that Nicky is the famous blogger, the Gourmet Guy. They wondered why he would give them a bad review but he told them that he has to be honest to his readers and honestly, the food lacked focus. So, they agreed to sell Nicky’s idea alone for him to review again. He still gave them a bad review and said that it is still lacking. The rest of the quads begged him not to post the review but he still did it because he had a strict guideline from his editor. The editor turned out to be Nicky too. The quads got mad at Nicky and exposed him as the Gourmet Guy. Nevertheless, Nicky remained honest and truthful to his cooking.


  • She is the oldest quad by four seconds. (Brags about it in one of the first shows)
  • She is the only female Harper Quaduplet.
  • She loves eating tacos.
  • In the original version she was going to be a boy and her name was actually Don.
  • She and Nicky are the only quadruplets who are left-handed.
  • She is the only quad that isn’t afraid of spiders.
  • She loves soccer and likes basketball.
  • Her favorite basketball player is Candace Parker.
  • She thinks she’s the leader and the boss of the boys.
  • Since she and Ricky both think they’re the leader, Dawn fights with Ricky over which one of them is the real leader.
  • In the episode «Dawn Moves Out,» it is revealed that she had a crush on Smokey The Bear until she was seven years old.
  • She is the older quadruplet sister of Nicky, Ricky, and Dicky.
  • She is the oldest daughter of Tom and Anne Harper.
  • Pink is her favorite color.
  • Her best friend is Mae Valentine.
  • Her crush is Mack.
  • Dawn chose the winning name, »Squishy Paws», for their dog.
  • She tried to write Brownie Wilson’s autograph in the Pilot episode, but, failed. Instead of Brownie Wilson, she wrote Brownie Squishy Paws.
  • She has a fear of needles.
  • It is revealed in the episode «Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Sicky», that her middle name is «Nickelodeon».
  • Dawn and Dicky were the first quads to go through puberty.
  • Dawn auditions for and gets the role of Dorothy in Wizard of Oz in the episode «The Wonderful Wizard of Quads.»
  • She was initially the tallest quad until Dicky outgrew her as of season 3.
  • She’s the only quad who’s name is not short for anything.
  • Dawn is the only quad whose name does not rhyme.
  • Dawn was originally going to have the catchphrase, «Fireworks!». However, the joke did not catch on and the writers dropped it after only a few episodes.
  • Dawn throughout the series has a habit of revealing her right barefoot. (e.g. “Three Men and a Mae B.” and ”Quadsled”)
  • She usually appears as the episodes focus.
  • She initially had a crush on the groomer’s son Joey but had to keep their relationship private. But her brothers got the word out, and it made Dawn angry, so she decided that she wanted to be a Montagelli than a Harper. She and her siblings made their parents and Joey’s parents agree to get along for their sake.
  • In the episode The Wonderful Wizard of Quads, Dawn can sing.
  • Her middle name is ‘Abigail’ in Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Sicky but ‘Nickelodeon’ in other episodes.
  • Dawn has her own bedroom a few rooms over from Nicky, Ricky & Dicky’s room.


  • He is the third quad born.
  • He is the only quad to have brown eyes.
  • He considers himself to be the second coolest kid in school (behind Moses).
  • He’s the cool Harper who likes to impress the ladies.
  • Blue is his favorite color.
  • He does wrong animal impressions.
  • He is the only quad who’s first name wasn’t changed.
  • He chose Tiny Elvis for his dog’s name.
  • Dicky is lactose intolerant, meaning he can’t eat or drink products such as milk or ice cream without having digestive problems. However he still likes to eat products with lactose in them because he considers it to be worth it.
  • Dicky has trouble pronouncing words or getting phrases right:
    • In Valentime’s Day, he calls it «Valentimes» instead of «Valentines.»
    • He also says «pregmeant» instead of «pregnant.»
    • In A Brief Case of Popularity, he says «a beef case of all important meats» instead of «a briefcase for all important meetings.»
  • He had one failed math test from repeating the eighth Grade.
  • He became the tallest quadruplet after growing taller than Dawn.
  • Dicky believes his middle name is Abigail in Odd Quad Out, although it’s a girl’s name and is in fact Dawn’s middle name.
  • Dicky’s middle name is revealed to be Steven in Ye Olde Hand Holde.
  • He, along with Dawn, are the first Quads to undergo puberty.
  • His partner was added to the recurring cast and was named, Britt.
  • It is revealed in The Secret, Dicky has a outie bellybutton.
  • Dicky wears briefs.
  • Receives wedgies on lockers.


  • He is the youngest of the quads.
  • His full name is confirmed to be Nicholas in «The Quadfather».
  • He was originally the shortest quad, but as of Season 3 he is taller than Ricky.
  • He is the quietest, most well-mannered quad and tries to stay out of trouble.
  • He has a passion for cooking.
  • Green is his favorite color.
  • He and Dawn are the only quadruples who are left-handed.
  • He wanted to name their dog «Gary.»
  • Nicky was going to be a girl named Nikki
  • He apparently was oblivious chicken (animal) is the same as chicken (food), as seen in Quadentity Crisis.
  • Nicky is portrayed by Aidan Gallagher, Starring Number 5 in The Umbrella Academy.


Dawn was born four seconds before her brothers. That means she’s four seconds older, four seconds wiser, and four seconds smarter…according to her, at least. Full of energy and armed with charm, she’s a born leader. She is always the smart and less crazy thinker/leader, but sometimes the quad’s ideas can get to out of hand. And of course she always fights with Ricky, because he’s the smart quad, but Dawn comes in second place. From sports to school activities, Dawn’s the quad who’s out to prove she can do it all while still holding them together when things get tough. Dawn may act like the leader of the pack, but deep down, she’s just one of the pack. Despite her maturity, there are instances where she is selfish and petty, and takes her frustration out on her brothers like in «I Want Candace» when her brothers accidentally ruined her chance to meet her idol Candace Parker and wanted them to suffer. Another example was in «The Wonderful Wizard of Quads» when her brothers got tricked by Rose Durkin into giving her the silver slippers and blamed them for ruining her chances for becoming Dorothy, despite being aware of Rose’s manipulative nature.



Main Article: Dawn and Mack

Dawn and Mack are crushes and they both seem to have crushes on each other, particularly Dawn. Since the episode Scaredy Dance, Dawn has had another crush on Joey Montagelli. Dawn and Mack officially become girlfriend and boyfriend in the last episode of the fourth season titled “Firsties with Lasties”

Mae Valentine

Main Article: Dawn and Mae

Mae is Dawn’s best friend. If Dawn is not with her brothers than she is usually with Mae. They often have sleepovers at Dawn’s room. They share a lot of girly secrets. This helped push Dawn into getting her own room in «Dawn Moves Out.» Dawn usually enlists Mae in her schemes against her brothers. Dawn is disgusted by the idea of Mae ever dating any of her brothers. When she accidentally set up all of her brothers with Mae in «Three Men and a Mae B.,» she went in great lengths to sabotage any potential relationship; furthermore, she went to the Get Sporty barefoot so Mae wouldn’t enter her house and avoid her brothers. She then tried to distract Mae and then disguise herself as a boy, which proved to fail because Mae recognized Dawn’s feet and toenail polish.

In «Ele-Funk in the Room,» Dawn and Mae had a falling out when Dawn’s brothers pushed Mae to confront Dawn for being pushy. Dawn didn’t want to accept the criticism and Mae wasn’t willing to apologize. The brothers tried to get Dawn and Mae back together but any attempt only made things worse. Dawn forced her brothers into a quad-pact, forbidding any of them from hanging out with Mae or going to the concert with her. Since the boys wanted to go to the concert, they broke the quad-pact and lied to Mae that Dawn was OK with it. Dawn broke the quad-pact too to go with June and Natlee only to meet Mae at the concert. After that they apologized to each other and makeup.

Mae and Dawn have another falling out in «I Want My Mae B. Back» when Dawn gets jealous that Mae is spending more time with Miles than with her. She enlists her brothers to help keep Mae and Miles apart but it leads to a huge hilarious misunderstanding. In the end, Mae promises to spare more time for Dawn while Dawn apologizes for trying to sabotage the relationship. Mae is glad that Dawn only did it so they can spend more time together.

Joey Montagelli

Despite their families being at war, Joey and Dawn did manage to date in the episode, «Not-So-Sweet Charity». They must have broken up as their relationship wasn’t referred to ever again in the show.

Дата выхода всех серий и сезонов

сериал «Никки, Рикки, Дикки и Дон» раньше выходил в субботу в 20:30 на телеканале «Nickelodeon» c 2014 по 2018 год.

Когда выйдет 5 сезон сериала «Никки, Рикки, Дикки и Дон»?

Премьера 5 сезона не состоится. Проект «Никки, Рикки, Дикки и Дон»

4 сезон

Название серии: Действия: Дата выхода: Рейтинг:
4×14 «Lasties With Firsties» 4 авг 2018 9.20
4×13 «Quadspiracy Theory» 4 авг 2018 10.00
4×12 «We’ll Always Have Parasites» 28 июл 2018 9.00
4×11 «House Crushing for Dummies» 14 июл 2018 7.67
4×10 «Quadcodile Dundee» 30 июн 2018 8.00
4×09 «Quadbusters» 23 июн 2018
4×08 «Quadentity Crisis» 9 июн 2018 5.00
4×07 «Leader of the Stack» 2 июн 2018 10.00
4×06 «The Harper Quad-Jobbers» 17 фев 2018 10.00
4×05 «Sympathy for the Squishy» 3 фев 2018 4.00
4×04 «It’s a Hard Knocks Life» 27 янв 2018
4×03 «Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & BeyDawncé» 20 янв 2018 8.75
4×02 «Wrestle-Mae-nia» 13 янв 2018 10.00
4×01 «Dude, Where’s My School?» 6 янв 2018 9.50

3 Сезон

Название серии: Действия: Вышла: Рейтинг:
3×23 «The Wonderful Wizard of Quads» 5 авг 2017 8.00
3×22 «Yoco» 29 июл 2017 8.33
3×21 «A Space Quadyssey» 22 июл 2017 9.00
3×20 «#QUADGOALS» 15 июл 2017
3×19 «Cementing The Quads’ Legacy» 8 июл 2017 10.00
3×18 «Quadpendence Day» 17 июн 2017 6.00
3×17 «Quad For Teacher» 10 июн 2017 8.00
3×16 «One Quadzy Summer» 3 июн 2017
3×15 «Not-so-sweet Charity» 20 мая 2017 8.00
3×14 «The Quadshank Redemption» 13 мая 2017 8.33
3×13 «The Buffa-Lowdown» 6 мая 2017 2.00
3×12 «I Want My Mae B. Back» 29 апр 2017 9.00
3×11 «This Little Piggy Went To The Harpers» 22 апр 2017
3×10 «Tween Wolf» 15 апр 2017
3×09 «Ele-Funk in the Room» 8 апр 2017
3×08 «To Be Invited Or Not To Be» 25 мар 2017
3×07 «What’s The Worst That Quad Happen?» 18 мар 2017
3×06 «Ye Olde Hand Holde» 11 фев 2017 9.50
3×05 «Quadsled» 4 фев 2017
3×04 «The Great Mullet Caper» 28 янв 2017
3×03 «Keeping Up With The Quadashians» 21 янв 2017 7.00
3×02 «Odd Quad Out» 14 янв 2017
3×01 «Quad With a Blog» 7 янв 2017 4.33

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2 Сезон

Название серии: Действия: Вышла: Рейтинг:
2×25 «The Tell-tale Art» 6 авг 2016 7.00
2×24 «New Kid On The Block» 30 июл 2016
2×23 «A Brief Case of Popularity» 23 июл 2016 10.00
2×22 «Mission: Un-Quaddable» 16 июл 2016 8.00
2×21 «Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Sicky» 9 июл 2016
2×20 «The Quad-plex» 5 мар 2016
2×19 «Quad Court» 27 фев 2016
2×18 «Diary of an Angry Quad» 20 фев 2016
2×17 «Three Men and a Mae B.» 13 фев 2016
2×16 «Doggy Door Afternoon» 6 фев 2016
2×15 «Harpers for President» 30 янв 2016
2×14 «She Blinded Him With Science (Bob)» 23 янв 2016
2×13 «Ballet and the Beasts» 16 янв 2016
2×12 «Rock `n’ Rules» 9 янв 2016 1.00
2×11 «Go Hollywood» 25 ноя 2015 2.00
2×10 «Quaddy-shack» 11 ноя 2015
2×09 «The Mighty Quad Squad» 25 июл 2015
2×08 «Sweet Foot Rides» 18 июл 2015 10.00
2×07 «I Want Candace» 11 июл 2015 8.00
2×06 «Mall in the Family» 27 июн 2015 10.00
2×05 «Unhappy Campers» 20 июн 2015 10.00
2×04 «Do-It-All Dawn» 13 июн 2015 10.00
2×03 «Urban Legend Outfitters» 6 июн 2015
2×02 «No Ifs, Ands, or But-ers» 30 мая 2015 10.00
2×01 «Wanted: The Sugar Beet Gang» 23 мая 2015

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1 Сезон

Название серии: Действия: Вышла: Рейтинг:
1×20 «Family Matters» 24 мар 2015 10.00
1×19 «Abraquadabra» 21 мар 2015
1×18 «M.D. Day» 14 мар 2015
1×17 «Quad-Ventures in Babysitting» 7 мар 2015
1×16 «Piggy, Piggy, Piggy, & Dawn» 28 фев 2015
1×15 «Valentime’s Day» 14 фев 2015
1×14 «Take the Money and Run» 7 фев 2015
1×13 «The Secret» 31 янв 2015
1×12 «The Quad-Test» 24 янв 2015
1×11 «The Quadfather» 10 янв 2015
1×10 «Santa’s Little Harpers» 29 ноя 2014
1×09 «The Sad Tail of Gary-Chip-Tiny Elvis-Squishy Paws» 22 ноя 2014
1×08 «I Got Your Back» 15 ноя 2014
1×07 «Poo Dunnit» 8 ноя 2014 3.00
1×06 «Remote Control Control» 1 ноя 2014
1×05 «Scaredy Dance» 18 окт 2014
1×04 «Field of Brains» 4 окт 2014
1×03 «Get Sporty-er!» 27 сен 2014 10.00
1×02 «The Quadfather» 20 сен 2014
1×01 «Pilot»


13 сен 2014 8.00

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